Education USA e RELO realizam webinars para as áreas de Ciência, Tecnologia, Engenharia e Matemática

Sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2020
Última modificação: Sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2020

O Education USA e RELO irão realizar três séries de webinars nos meses de outubro, novembro e dezembro de 2020, sendo voltados para as áreas de Ciência, Tecnologia, Engenharia e Matemática. Porém, mesmo que o(a) participante – discente, docente ou técnico-administrativo – não seja dessas áreas mencionadas, recomenda-se a inscrição e a participação, tendo em vista que os webinars são de excelência acadêmica e, além disso, podem ser uma ótima oportunidade de aperfeiçoamento na Língua Inglesa. A primeira série será realizada pela Professora Especialista em TESOL, Mary Burch Harmon.


As Inscrições poderão ser efetuadas por meio de link específico para cada série de webinars:
A agenda segue abaixo:
Webinar Series #1
Academic English for STEM graduate study

October 9, 2020
Week 1 Reading Comprehension Tips
Participants will learn ways to unpack higher level academic readings and practice breaking them into manageable pieces.

October 16, 2020
Week 2 Summarizing Research Articles
Participants will study simple summarizing techniques and apply them to a sample reading.

October 23, 2020
Week 3 Note Taking Strategies
Participants will be taught useful note taking techniques to use to check their reading comprehension.

November 6, 2020
Week 4 STEM Course Strategies
Participants will be given overall STEM course strategies to be successful in pursuing their graduate studies in the United States.
Webinar Series #2
Essay Writing for STEM graduate study

October 7, 2020
Week 1 Tips for Writing your STEM Graduate Personal Statement
Participants will learn important tips for writing their STEM graduate personal statement as well as to discover what graduate programs are looking for in their applicants.

October 14, 2020
Week 2 Organizing your STEM Graduate Personal Statement
Participants will learn the step by step process for writing their personal statement and be given time to begin mapping out their personal statements.

October 21, 2020
Week 3 Sample Essay Evaluation
Participants will receive and review sample personal statements and decipher the strengths and weaknesses of each one.

November 4, 2020
Week 4 Revising and Proofreading
Participants will learn simple revising and proofreading techniques and apply them to sample essays.